HEy gUyz!..oOh.. i had been very busy this few days..Don't know why..hehehH!8) ..I just drop by again in the computer to check my blog and post for this day.. ..Anywayz,i just feel sad today coz my brother will be leaving for Manila to fix his papers for abroad..hUhuhH:( ..I'll be missing him sOo much..I just pray to God that He will always guide my brother and also my mother who is not here i the country also..I really hate gOodbyes!.gRrr!.
..Let's change the topic!..And oH!..for all of my friends who viewed my blog, tanx so much guyz!..Keep in touch with my blog..Hope u had fun..And do not ever forget your comments!.ok!?..
←.And this picture?..I edited it!..hehehH!)) ..Its cute..U can see much of my photos in the album here at the right side..'comments' guyz!..heheheh..
Uhmm..i wanna play DOTA..'til here guyz!..Keep safe!..